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Dear God, Protector of Children, Guardian of All: | |
We haven’t the words. We are worse than witnesses. We are complicit in the abuse of children. We sin this very moment. | |
The horror of children torn from parents sends shockwaves through our very souls, so we turn away, remembering when children were taken to “baths,” never to see their parents again. Never. Again. | |
So, Holy One, what could we possibly show You to be worthy of the comfort we seek? Nothing. There is little we can show You today. We show up with tears and signs, protest songs and prayers. While our children sleep in cages. Our children. Our cages. | |
God, the pain and sadness You must be feeling, as Your image is locked up and abused, as Your children are torn from their children, as cruelty inhabits the seat of American power. What rage You must feel at our wanton sinning. Our country is actively sinning, quickly distracted by callous clothing and damned by a short attention span. | |
It would be easy, God, to blame one person in one office for this evil. But we know better. We’ve witnessed entire societies stand idly by the misuse of legal systems to oppress others. We’ve seen refugees damned to death by quotas and rules. | |
It would be easy, God, to give up. Scattershot hatred is in the air. Where to turn. How to help. And, O God, we know there is little chance these poor children, newly huddled tender masses, will be reunited with their parents, little chance these terrorized parents will hold their children again. | |
God, what would You have us do now? | |
Perhaps there is hope. Perhaps. If we would but cry Your Tears, burn with Your Rage, act with Your Tender Mercy, and vote with an eye toward Eternity. | |
Please God, protect us from numbness. Keep our children’s pain present in our hearts. Encode our next deeds with Your Love. | |
There will come a better day. If. | |
Amen. |
This plea to God that we avoid the desensitization that follows the callous cruelty of government policies declared in our name, for our safety, was first published to Rabbi Menachem Creditor’s website and Facebook page, and then shared with the Open Siddur Project via its Facebook discussion group.

“Newly Huddled Tender Masses: A Prayer for Children, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2018)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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